Who Are We?

The Birth
The VisitBrembo association was founded towards the end of 2018 after several meetings, thanks to a strong interest, between some representatives of local institutions and associations (read the founding act here).

It involves all the valley municipalities, economic operators (starting with the largest ones), and local promotional associations.

The association is apolitical and non-profit.

The clear and shared goals among all were the need to work in synergy, setting aside the typical local rivalries of towns, with the awareness that the Brembana Valley should be promoted in its entirety, without territorial limits. Another key objective was the necessity of creating a single entity that could support communication and promotional activities carried out in the area by all stakeholders genuinely interested in its economic and social growth, with the aim of boosting the valley’s tourism development.

VisitBrembo is an association focused on tourism promotion and local development. Its aim is to promote the natural, artistic, and human heritage of the Brembana Valley by developing communication, marketing, and tourism organization strategies to enhance its various assets. This is done in collaboration with local entities, businesses, and operators, as well as regional or national organizations. VisitBrembo is also committed to promoting all geographical areas that are connected to the Brembana Valley tourism system due to their territorial proximity.

Board of Directors
To ensure broad representation of the territory and its tourism realities on the board of directors, the Brembana Valley has been divided into the following tourism areas:
  • AT1 - Lower and Middle Valley, covering the municipalities of San Giovanni Bianco, San Pellegrino Terme, Sedrina, Ubiale Clanezzo, Zogno.
  • AT2 - Val Taleggio – Val Brembilla, covering the municipalities of Blello, Taleggio, Val Brembilla, Vedeseta.
  • AT3 - Val Serina, covering the municipalities of Algua, Bracca, Cornalba, Costa Serina, Dossena, Oltre il Colle, Serina.
  • AT4 - Upper Brembo, covering the municipalities of Averara, Cassiglio, Cusio, Mezzoldo, Olmo al Brembo, Ornica, Piazzatorre, Piazza Brembana, Piazzolo, Santa Brigida, Valtorta.
  • AT5 - Upper Eastern Valley, covering the municipalities of Branzi, Camerata Cornello, Carona, Foppolo, Isola di Fondra, Lenna, Moio de' Calvi, Roncobello, Valnegra, Valleve.
Each area is represented by delegates appointed from a pool of mayors or representatives of the member municipalities within the specific tourism area.

Click here to download the list of members.

How to Join
Do you share the objectives of VisitBrembo and want to support them? Become a member! Download the form, fill it out, and send it to info@visitbrembo.it. Your request will be submitted to the board of directors, and if accepted, you will have 30 days to pay the annual membership fee.

Sponsorship Requests
One of VisitBrembo's objectives is to create synergy within the territory to promote all its facets. Therefore, collaboration among all tourism actors is crucial.

VisitBrembo offers its sponsorship, a symbolic and non-financial endorsement, to support initiatives that are relevant from a tourism, cultural, or sporting perspective.

Contact Us
For more information, you can write to info@visitbrembo.it or call +39 0345.21020 to schedule an appointment.

List of Public Aid and Contributions
Legge 4 agosto 2017, n.124 - articolo 1, commi 125-129.
Adempimento degli obblighi di trasparenza e di pubblicità.
Aiuti e contributi pubblici 2020
Aiuti e contributi pubblici 2021
Aiuti e contributi pubblici 2022
Aiuti e contributi pubblici 2023

Other Documents
Bilancio 2023
Relazione Revisore dei conti 2023
Bilancio 2022
Relazione Revisore dei conti 2022
Bilancio 2021
Relazione Revisore dei conti 2021
Bilancio 2020
Relazione Revisore dei conti 2020
Bilancio CEE al 31/12/2019
Manuale di uso del logo VisitBrembo e comunicazione eventi

Calls in progress

  • Avviso pubblico selezione collaboratore VisitBrembo

    Valid until: 28 February 2025

Expired calls

Tourist offices on the net

Infopoint of San Pellegrino Terme
Via San Carlo, 4 - San Pellegrino Terme
Ph.: 034521020
Email: infopointsanpellegrinoterme@gmail.com
Opening time: every day from 9:30 to 12:30 and from 14:30 to 17:15

Former sawmill Pianetti
Via Roma - Olmo al Brembo
Ph.: 3481842781
Email: info@altobrembo.it

Pro Loco Branzi
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 6 - Branzi
Ph.: 034571189
Email: info@prolocobranzi.com

Pro Loco Serina
Via Papa Giovanni XXIII - Serina
Ph.: 034566065
Email: info@prolocoserina.it

Infopoint Val Brembilla
Via Don P. Rizzi, 20 - Brembilla
Ph.: 3887777354
Email: prolocobrembilla@gmail.com

Per appuntamenti scrivere a info@visitbrembo.it

Do you want to suggest us anything?

For any kind of suggestion, please contact us at info@visitbrembo.it

Do you want to join us?

Do you share VisitBrembo's goals and want to support him in achieving them? Become a member! Download the form, fill it in and send it to info@visitbrembo.it. Your request will be submitted to the board of directors and if accepted you will have 30 days to pay the annual fee!