The compound "Grotte delle Meraviglie" is situated into the light grey calcareous counter on the road to Brembana's Valley near the Zogno's tunnel. The geologic formation is denominated "Calcare di Zù". The compound has 2 entrances. The upper one is constitued by a tight entrance (Bus de la Marta) situated in Ravagni locality, It allows the way down along a series of vertical wells
with a gradient of 60m. The lower one, located into the park that overlooks the road to the Brembana's Valley, offers a comfortable way into the caves along an artificial tunnel carved into the rock. It is 73m with sinous shape in a small hill to reach the most inside cave.
The compound "Grotte delle Meraviglie" has some interesting things to undesrstand geological events linked to the formation of caviities and to undesrstand the features represented
The caves are famous thanks to ermenegildo Zanchi of the group "Grotte San Pellegrino" that makes them one of the first italian caves in 1939.