Stroll Along The Storic Center Of Piazza Brembana

Via Fratelli Calvi, 4
Piazza Brembana


From the "four streets" in the centre of the village you go through the storic center that trace the old Priula Way, wanted from Venetian Captain Alvise Priuli in 1593 to connect Bergamo with the north Grigioni Canton. Along the storic center you still have the pleasure to see the old urban plant with brothers Calvi's houses, Calvi-Bagini, a real jewel of antique dwelling rich of sculptures, paintings, furniture and decors that give the idea of old noble residence, the Gervasoni's house with fifteenth-century windows sculpted in stone typical of the art of Candussi and Gozzi colonnade with Bielli square real happy moments of history, of antique and modern human landscape with old fountains and wells. 

