San Giovanni Bianco-Molinasco Mount-Pizzo Grande

Hiking track
  • Lenght (mt.)
  • Duration (h)
  • Difficulty
    Mountain hiking
  • Height (mt.)
    1150 - NA


You can leave the car in the car park belonging to the Alpini of San Giovanni Bianco and take the Brembana Valley Cycle Path in the direction of San Pellegrino. Just as you pass the bridge over the stream of Val Grande turn right onto the mule track which heads upwards. To reach Mount Molinasco you must stay on the main route and ignore all the paths which fork off from it. Once you reach the “Bocchetta” (where you will find a dry fountain and a path which arrives from the Alino Valley) turn left and walk up through the field. Alternatively, in order to reach Pizzo Grande, at the “Bocchetta” take the path to the right which flanks the Val Grande through a thick fir-tree wood. Once you have reached a mountain shelter near a pond, pass behind the “pendana” (animal shelter) and then at the Sornadello mountain shelter follow the path signed with red arrows which climbs through a beech wood and takes you to the peak named Pizzo Grande.

GPX file

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