Municipality Of San Pellegrino Terme

Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 20
San Pellegrino Terme


San Pellegrino Terme is the pearl of the Brembana Valley, a sophisticated art nouveau treasure trove whose internationally acclaimed, top quality mineral water sets it apart from other towns. Although originally equally characterised by poverty, plague and rural homes, once the production of mineral water started in the 19th century, San Pellegrino started setting itself apart and developing an architecture unlike any other in the valley. San Pellegrino’s history did not, however, commence with art nouveau but with 15th century relics and 18th century religious buildings before the main attractions took hold the scene, the Casino and Grand Hotel of the Belle Époque. Construction of elegant private homes and public spaces, giving a feeling of walking through the past, continued until the 2nd World War. The itinerary starts at the Casino displayed on the bottle label.

